Marketing Video Production

I don’t have time to make videos!

If time restraints are stopping you from getting your message out on video I have some tips to streamline your video making process to get out there and get your voice heard.

Showing up on video allows your audience to start to get to know you before they’ve even had an interaction with you. If you show up as yourself on video people are going to know pretty quickly if you’re the kind of person they want to work with.

Having videos that talk about who you are, what you do and the message you want to get out into the world will help you attract your ideal client and wade through the people who aren’t meant to work with you.

So if you’re going, “yes! I want to start making videos but I feel like I just don’t have the time,” here are a few strategies that will help you to streamline your video making process, so you can be showing up on video and attracting your ideal clients.

1. Write everything down

Throughout the day jot down any idea or thought you have that you think you might want to share with your audience in a video.

I am always writing down ideas on scrap pieces of paper, in my diary, or even just making notes in my phone so I can get the thoughts out, set it aside and come back to it later (and not have to worry about forgetting!)

Then I have a whole pool of ideas to go back to when I decide I’m going to do a video recording session and I don’t have to spend all that time planning videos from scratch and trying to figure out what I’m going to say.

If a client or a potential client asks you a question about a product or a service you offer, think about whether this might be something that other people might want to know if they’re considering buying from or working with you.

This has become such a strong habit in my day that by the end of the week I have so many content ideas the videos practically write themselves!

2. Bulk record your videos

Once you have accumulated a list of video content ideas, block out time in your month, fortnight, or even every week, depending on how regularly you want to upload content.

Sit down with your camera and your list of content ideas and record as much as you possibly can in one sitting. This will save you time during your busy week when you’re wanting to put video content out because you have a library of videos to draw from.

You can also schedule your video posts ahead of time in another dedicated time block so you can focus on what you do best in your business.

3. Keep the momentum going

Video editing can sometimes take longer than recording the video itself. What I recommend is trying to edit your videos soon after you record them while it’s still fresh in your mind and you still have motivation. Keep that momentum going!

If you wait too long to edit you may forget what the aim of the video was, where all your good takes were, and lose a bit of the inspiration that was present when you recorded the video. It ends up taking longer!

4. Invest some time getting set up for success

If you have a library of graphics, titles, and templates for your videos that you can easily drag and drop this will also streamline the process so you don’t have to spend hours reinventing the wheel every time you make a video.

You will get into a rhythm once you’ve created your first few videos, and you’ll learn how you can do it more efficiently every time.

Like anything, the more you do it the easier and faster it will become. It’s worth investing some time in the beginning to learn a few skills and set up some templates so you know exactly what you’re doing every time you make a video.

Check out my tutorial for three tips and techniques for making better videos when you’re first starting out.

If you get into the habit of writing down any ideas you think you might want to share later and also scheduling that time to do bulk recordings and bulk edits you’ll be able to streamline your video process and you’ll be smashing out that content in no time.

I hope these tips help you save time creating your video content and I can’t wait to see what you create next.

If you have any video questions please leave me a comment below so I can answer them for you.

Check out my post on four mistakes beginners make when they first start making video and how you can avoid them to streamline your video making process further!