Story Telling Video Production

I Don’t Know What to Say on Camera!

“I want to make videos, but I don’t know what to say or do when I’m sitting in front of the camera.”

This is one of the most common things I talk to my clients about – especially if it is the first time they’re thinking about creating videos.

I want to make one thing absolutely clear: there is no wrong way to tell your story.

You don’t have to be ‘a certain way’. All you have to be is yourself.

You are going to attract more of the clients who are right for you if you be yourself on camera.

Putting yourself out there on video takes guts!

If you’re ready to take that step I am right here, cheering you on. And I’d love for you to tag me, send me a link, DM me, (whatever platform you may be on) when you upload a video. I can’t wait to see it!

If you want to start putting video content out there but you’re stuck with where to start, here are some tips to help you on your way.

1. We’ve all heard this one before – Content is King!

Don’t make a video for the sake of making a video. Make sure you actually have something to say to your audience!

Content is the most important part of making a video. People watch videos to be entertained or informed; if your video doesn’t do either of these you probably won’t receive great retention or viewership.

The technical aspects come with practice. To start with, focus on getting great content out to your audience and the rest will come the more you do it.

2. Repurpose what you already have

Turning your FAQs into a series of videos is a great place to start to get some relevant video content out there.

You can explain in your own words answers to questions that you know people already want to know about your business.

Video is much more engaging and easier to digest than a big lump of text. You can create a long video explaining all your FAQs or segment them up into a series of videos to spread across your socials.

Do you have any content pieces you could turn into a video? Or a series of videos? Create an introduction video for yourself explaining who you are, what you do, and what your mission for your business is, and stick it right at the top of your website, Facebook page, LinkedIn, etc.

You can turn blogs into vlogs and vice versa. Different people like to absorb content in different ways, having both options available will increase your potential for engagement and allow your audience more flexibility to take in your content.

3. Write it all down

Something I find myself doing almost every day now is writing down any ideas or thoughts I have throughout the day that I might want to share later.

This frees up your mind to continue with what you’re currently working on, and you will start to build a list of video content ideas to draw from which you can then record in one sitting.

Bulk video recording will help you to quickly get more video content out. Once you’re on a role, you’ll be smashing that content out! And the more you do it the easier it becomes.

4. Do a basic survey

You can survey your audience on social media or through an email list to see what their biggest problems are concerning a product or service you offer, or a topic in your industry – then make videos about how to solve them!

If you are solving problems for your audience, they will start to look at you as an expert and authority in that field.

This way you know your audience is more likely to watch your videos because they’ve asked for that content – especially if it is a problem they want solved. If one person is experiencing a problem, other people are likely in the same boat.

Something as simple as running a poll or using a question box on Instagram can give you answers to what your audience is having the most trouble with.

5. Share tips you find valuable yourself

If you come across a product, service or piece of information that you found helpful, share it with your audience through video.

This is going to help them to know, like and trust you more, and potentially want to work with you in the future because you’ve given them valuable information without asking for anything in return.

6. You already have everything you need to make great content

You already have great knowledge and experience that is going to help someone else.

A great way to start to draw that out is to sit down with your journal and ask yourself, “what is it that I need to get out into the world today?”

This is something that does get easier the more often you do it, but it’s a great question to ask yourself to get your brain thinking in the background, ‘what is it that I want to share with others’.

If your content is coming from that authentic place within yourself you really can’t go wrong. Which brings me to the last point; every time you appear on camera, I want you to ask yourself, “am I being myself?”

Your audience can subconsciously tell if you’re trying to be someone else on video.

The more you show up as yourself, the more clients you will attract who are the right fit for you and your business. At the end of the day, you want to attract the clients who are right for you and weed out the ones who are not.

Your knowledge could change someone’s life. You owe it to them to share it.

I hope these tips help you create more video content of your own, and I can’t wait to see what you create.

If you have any video questions please leave me a comment below so I can answer them for you.

Until then, happy creating!